Colonial Testing ServicesColonial Testing Services

Drug Testing Laws in the State of Virginia

VIRGINIA Drug-free Workplace Act Requires all public bodies to include in every contract over $10,000 the following provisions: 1) the contractor must provide a drug-free workplace for the contractor's employees, 2) s/he must post a statement explaining the drug-free workplace policy and the consequences for policy violations, 3) s/he must state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees that the contractor maintains a drug-free workplace, and 4) s/he must include the drug-free workplace clauses from this Act in every subcontract or purchase order over $10,000 so that the provisions are binding on the subcontractor or vendor.


Workers' Compensation Premium Discount Program Insurers providing coverage under the workers' compensation statute must provide premium discounts of up to five percent to every employer who institutes a drug-free workplace program which meets the criteria established by the insurer. VA ST Sect. 65.2-813.2. (Supp. 1998). Workers' Compensation State law denies benefits to an employee whose injury or death is caused by his or her intoxication or use of a controlled substance. A positive drug test result from an HHS-certified laboratory, or a positive alcohol test result at or above .08 blood alcohol level, creates a rebuttable presumption that the employee was intoxicated or using drugs at the time of his or her injury or death

To learn what Colonial Testing Services can do for you, contact us today.

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