Colonial Testing ServicesColonial Testing Services

Drug Testing Laws in the State of Utah

Voluntary Drug and Alcohol Testing Act This law provides that no cause of action may be brought against any employer who establishes a drug and alcohol testing program in compliance with the act. Employers are specifically authorized to conduct any type of testing in order to maintain the safety of employees and the public or to maintain productivity and quality of services and products. If a testing program is implemented, all management personnel must also be subject to testing. The law requires that specific requirements be met with regard to drug testing procedures.


UTAH Workers' Compensation State law provides that when an employee's injury or occupational disease is caused by the use of illegal substances, the intentional use of prescribed substances or from intoxication, benefits are denied unless the employer permitted, encouraged or had actual knowledge of such behaviors.

To learn what Colonial Testing Services can do for you, contact us today.

State Drug Testing Laws
Alabama Hawaii Massachusetts New Mexico South Dakota
Alaska Idaho Michigan New York Tennessee
Arizona Illinois Minnesota North Carolina Texas
Arkansas Indiana Mississippi North Dakota Utah
California Iowa Missouri Ohio Vermont
Colorado Kansas Montana Oklahoma Virginia
Connecticut Kentucky Nebraska Oregon Washington
Delaware Louisiana Nevada Pennsylvania West Virginia
Florida Maine New Hampshire Rhode Island Wisconsin
Georgia Maryland New Jersey South Carolina Wyoming