Colonial Testing ServicesColonial Testing Services

Drug Testing Laws in the State of North Dakota


Workers' Compensation State law provides that a work-related injury is not compensable if the injury was caused by the use of intoxicants or controlled substances. N.D. Cent. Code § 65-01-02 (9)(b)(1995). Alcohol or drug testing is authorized when a doctor or employer has a reasonable suspicion that the employee's work injury was caused by the employee's use of alcohol or a controlled substance. A positive drug or alcohol test at or above the levels determined in the U.S. DOT's drug and alcohol testing regulations creates a rebuttable presumption that the injury was due to impairment from the use of alcohol or drugs. A refusal to submit to a drug test results in forfeiture of all benefits

To learn what Colonial Testing Services can do for you, contact us today.

State Drug Testing Laws
Alabama Hawaii Massachusetts New Mexico South Dakota
Alaska Idaho Michigan New York Tennessee
Arizona Illinois Minnesota North Carolina Texas
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California Iowa Missouri Ohio Vermont
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