Colonial Testing ServicesColonial Testing Services

Drug Testing Laws in the State of North Carolina

Drug Testing The state' s drug testing law does not restrict the types of testing that may be conducted, but does require that certain procedures be followed with regard to the actual drug testing process. All testing of employees must be conducted at approved laboratories. Applicants, however, may be tested on site for the initial screen. Positive tests must be confirmed at approved laboratories. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 95-230 et seq. (1993 and Supp.1997). North Carolina Administrative Code Title 13 Chapter 20 provides further clarification of definitions and procedures as found in the Controlled Substance Examination


NORTH CAROLINA Workers' Compensation State law denies compensation benefits if the employee's injury or death is proximately caused by his or her intoxication, provided the intoxicant was not supplied by the employer.

To learn what Colonial Testing Services can do for you, contact us today.

State Drug Testing Laws
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