Colonial Testing ServicesColonial Testing Services

Drug Testing Laws in the State of Kansas

KANSAS Drug Testing While there are no restrictions on the types of testing that may be conducted, there are guidelines governing testing procedures. Certified laboratories must be used and confidentiality procedures maintained. Attorney General Opinion 97-96 (Dec 3, 1993) addresses on-site testing and exempts employers from laboratory requirements relating to on-site tests


KANSAS Workers' Compensation State law denies compensation when an injury, disability or death was contributed to by the employee's use or consumption of alcohol or any drugs, including but not limited to, any drugs or medications which are available to the public without a prescription from a health care provider, prescription drugs or medications, any form or type of narcotic drugs, marijuana, stimulants, depressants or hallucinogens. It is conclusively presumed that the employee was impaired due to alcohol if it is shown that at the time of the injury that the employee had an alcohol concentration of .04 or more. An employee's refusal to submit to a chemical test is not admissible evidence to prove impairment unless there was probable cause to believe that the employee used, possessed or was impaired by a drug or alcohol while working.

To learn what Colonial Testing Services can do for you, contact us today.

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